Yes... it's only a Primary Election, but... it's still important
Tomorrow is an election day in America. If you’re thinking, hey… it’s “only a ‘Primary Election' so it’s not that important”, well, that's half the problem. Lots of people do think that way... and it’s kind of sad.
Did you know that my kids, Kevin and Andrea have never missed an election? That's right! Even when they were babies, We’d carry them into the basement of city hall, where the polling booths are.
One year, When Andrea was about four years-old, she looked around the polling place and in tears cried out, “Where are all the boats?” My fault… when I said that we were going voting, she thought I said boating. Yah... I had a little explaining to do that morning.
About the time Kevin and Andrea were in high school, it got just a little bit embarrassing to be seen with mom or dad in the polling place. But... they gutted it out and have a clean lifetime record of participating in every single election up to the time they turned eighteen.
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My family was trapped behind the Berlin Wall for almost 30 years |
Why is it so important to vote? Voting is important for every American citizen of voting age, but for my family, voting has a particularly special meaning. My father and mother came to America, fleeing a communist country and the Berlin Wall. East Germany was made a part of the huge Soviet Empire, and my ancestors lived through some turbulent decades, never sure of who was next going to be in charge of their government.
In the United States of America, we don’t have that problem. Even when we fuss over it, we know who owns this government. We do… you and me! To be sure of it… we vote! My father's proudest moment was becoming an American Citizen and voting for the very first time.
I know that there are lot of people out there that are really worried that they don’t have much say in their government, anymore. I hear it everyday, as we visit the front-steps of my neighbors throughout the 32nd Senate District. People feel sad, angry and frustrated at the government, these days. Especially senior citizen's, who feel like the world is upside down. The most common thing I hear, almost everywhere I go is, "Ken... I don't recognize the country I grew up in." We need to fix this!
I don't claim to have all the answers to all the problems we're facing. I do know that we can only fix this ailing nation together. Now, more than ever, is the time to study, ask a bunch of question and get involved. Trust me... voting is a precious and sacred gift that is given to all American citizens.
Just for Fun: Here are the top 10 complaints, I hear, about voting
10) I don’t have a driver’s license
or Michigan ID (Get one… they're like ten bucks, or free, for a standard ID )
9) They should make it easier... I should be able to vote online
(If you're going out of town, or you're a senior that's shut-in, ask for an absentee ballot. Otherwise... go to the polling station. There are soldiers that leave their families for
months, in order to protect you and me. A half-hour of our time, every two years, isn't a huge burden)
8. There’s nobody worth voting for (Fine... then run for office)
7. I forgot to register to vote (Really? … get registered. It’s easy)
6. The last time I went, the candy
dish was empty and the “I Voted” stickers were gone (Okay… admittedly, this is
problematic :)
5. I don't know who is running (Pick up a voter guide... they're all over the place)
4. I don't have a ride (We’ll find
you one)
3. I am too busy (Aren’t we all… See
2. You feel guilty when the person
you voted against loses (You win some… you lose some! That’s life)
And... (Drum Roll) the number one reason for not voting...
1. My vote won't make a difference (It does, actually! While the vote tally is simply a matter of math, again... the American vote is a
sacred and precious thing. It makes you part of something extraordinary, exceptional and historical. For me it’s a matter of pride. You may have a different reasons,
but... voting is the most American thing you can ever do)
Remember... you're a Great American... VOTE!
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